800-388-1424 kwheeler@audi-con.net

About Us

About Us

About Us

At Audicon, we specialize in saving you money and increasing your business’s efficiency.  Our consultants will show you the most cost-effective way to utilize telecommunications and data services and will make sure you are refunded any money you may be due.

Four out of five businesses are unknowingly paying way too much for their telecommunications and data services. With our Telecom & Data Service Audit, Audicon will analyze your company’s costs, show you where you are currently being over-billed, and recommend ways to optimize your voice, data and wireless network services.

At Audicon, our benefits are proven. Our services ensure your telecommunications and data products are the most effective and cost-efficient for your business.

We would be happy to provide your company with a free preliminary audit of your bills and show you just the start of how Audicon can save you money. Please visit our contact page for more information.

Telecom and Data Services Audit

An Audicon consultant will analyze and audit your bills, as well as your telecommunications and data systems usage, in order to ensure the following:

  • Your services are cost-efficient

  • You are not being overcharged by your providers

  • All billing errors are corrected and unusual charges are investigated

  • You are made aware of all options for products and services available to ensure that your business is operating as cost-effectively as possible

  • Overcharges are recovered on your behalf; in 4 out of 5 situations we obtain refunds for our clients, as far back as the statute of limitations will allow

We are so confident that our services will save you money, we have tied Audicon’s Telecom and Utility Audit fees directly to the results we achieve on your behalf. Our payment is based upon a pre-determined and agreed-to percentage of the savings we discover for you. There is NO up-front retainer and NO monthly fee for our services.

On average, an audit by Audicon will result in a 35% savings on your telecom and data expenses.

Telecom Consulting

Telecom Consulting services are a beneficial option for many companies that lack the resources of a full-time Telecom/IT Department. An Audicon consultant will provide their expertise and industry knowledge as it applies to your business, helping to ensure your company is getting the highest return on each telecom dollar, while leaving you free to run your company.

  • Audicon can manage all of your telecommunications and data needs on a monthly basis. In doing so, we will:

  • Advise your business on the most cost-effective and efficient ways to build your telecommunications and data systems networks

  • Recommend services that would best suit your needs

  • Assist with any desired changes or additions to your current services, including contacting providers on your behalf should you encounter any problems

  • Provide recommendations and pricing for any necessary equipment upgrades or repairs

  • Analyze and track all your business’s telecommunications and data services usage

  • Audit your company’s telecom bills each month to ensure you have not been overcharged and correct any errors that have occurred, returning the savings to you

Project Management
  • Often these efforts are beneficial to a business that is changing locations or upgrading its current equipment and services. Our project management services address issues including:

  • Updating telecom equipment

  • Networking multiple offices, remote offices, national and international teleconferencing

  • Determining if offices are equipped with too many lines

  • Identifying dormant lines and circuits

  • Advising small to medium-size businesses on the best options to fit their telecom needs

  • Audicon can advise and manage any telecommunications or data systems project for a predetermined fee.

Contract Negotiations

To ensure your company is getting the best services at the lowest cost, an Audicon consultant will provide the following services:

  • A detailed review of the contract between your company and your current telecom provider

  • Negotiation of a better agreement with the provider – getting you better rates, better services specific to your business and ensuring you will not be surprised with hidden costs and contractual stipulations down the road

  • Once a new contract has been signed, Audicon will follow through to guarantee that you receive the agreed-upon services

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